Benefits of QMS

Benefits of QMS

Having a QMS in place leads to an abundance of benefits; not only is it a training tool for personnel, but it also allows the business to communicate information that is needed to plan and control the processes in order to run effectively. A QMS will assist a business to promote best practice to ensure the highest possible performance; in turn this will allow a level of consistency to develop and personnel will all perform the same method, practice and procedures to guarantee quality.

To summarise a QMS:
  1. Reduces cost and waste
  2. Improves communication
  3. Enables the ability for a business change
  4. Increases product and service quality
  5. There will be higher customer satisfaction
  6. Will allow extensive employee training
  7. Operative consistency
ISO 9001:2008
This standard is the only recognised criteria for QMS and therefore any system has to be certified to this.

With the standard being based on quality management principles the IS0 9001:2008 can assist with consistent quality in service or products, leading to a prospective increase in sales.

Ensuring that the QMS is working correctly is an important part of the ISO 9001:2008. It is recommended that internal audits are performed to check the performance of the QMS and whether it is running effectively. A business can organise for an independent certification body to identify whether the standard is being met, however this is not a requirement and can easily be performed internally via client audits.

Fact - ISO 9001:2008 is implemented by over one million companies and organizations in over 170 countries.

For more information about QMS systems for your company call 01892 882 540 

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